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Started & nearly finished PhD at U. Mich. with Bobbi Law; Dick Alexander; Robert Payne.
- Walt writes, paints, photographs.

Orientation session by Walt & Bill after lunch & get to Museu Goldii by 1530 hrs.

At Museu - zoo with
1) manatee (not seen)
2) Podocnemis
3) lots of jaguar(donated)
4) black spider monkeys ([[underlined]] paniscus [[/underlined]])

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5) harpy eagle

6) vulture with orange & black & white markings on head & large gular sack near brood patch area

[[encircled]] 7 [[/encircled]] blue & yellow macaw
hyancith macaw

Little educational material but Bill suggests that the zoo exists for education.

We received special preview of the new Indian exhibition that is to open 29 August.