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Avocado- cultured in carribbean.

Muruçi - small fruit from wh/ They make juice.

[[underlined]] Bixa orellana [[/underlined]]

Achiote - red powder 
paint / insecticide

Acuí palm: used for everything; fruits; stems; trunks; leaves.

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Kay [[Mauver?]] gets her camera snatched on the way to the market.
The [[Fehrs?]] lose their bags, after leaving them outside the room.

[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] George Osborne thinks he left his binocs in the room.

By 10:30 AM everyone demoralized & fight/flight responses raised.

On plane & I find tour leader for French group who has 2 extra bags - spirits lift!

Transcription Notes:
Miruci acui = Acai?