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17.    (24)

attached to the sides is a bottom of a round bundle of reeds (wrapped to side-simply flattened for bottom?) to which is attached cordage (2-ply-same as for wrapping sides?) //is this center technique similar to belt technique?// 9 [[strikethrough]] groups[[/strikethrough]] lines radiate from center - more added to increase width until 64 at perimeter. 22-24 rows from center to perimeter/[[strikethrough]] section///[[/strikethrough]]

[[image – sketch of a round bundle of reeds as described in above paragraph]]

june 26.
took some photos of unfinished copos in front of grandfather's house- appears he starts from top, works out curve to bottom, then will fill in netting? coiling done with needle

July 13
coiling done with needle. inside part sewn, start from outside using needled threaded with 2-ply cordage - simple basket (buttonhole)stitch-1 afternoon (approx. 3.5 or 4 hours) to complete the inside of a rather large copo. Stitch through every or every other wrapped area when beginning.-also continuing. knot in center end.