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88th Day  Easter Day  278 Days to come
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Got up the usual time. Intended going to church but I was getting ready Florence + Fred stopped so I did not finish dressing but visited with them. Surely glad to see them. They said Ava was not very good which I know. I am so discouraged about her. We are going for a ride to see Mim and family. We had a nice ride to see Mim and family. We had a nice ride. When we got back to Chucks they had ice cream. Then Venus and I stayed and went to the show Gentlemans agreement. Very good. It was a Jewish Story.

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89th Day  277 Days to come
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Pretty but very windy and washing. Jimmied the wringer so had to take it in town to get it fixed. They brought the rest of the hay. Got the clothes dry and dampened. Mr. Robinaugh called and said our Ins had run out. So Gwynn took it in to him

worked a jigsaw.