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288th Day   77 Days to come

Worked around in P.M. to get dinner ready Had escalloped chicken noodles, mashed Potatoes, corn, meatloaf, cake, coffee, strawberries. They were here until after 5.00 Then we went in town Richard went with Harold Clarence & Peg and Gwynn & Wafer I guess I went to Bingo with Olive. Won 2:00 got a blouse that is too small. 

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289th Day   18th Sunday after Trinity   76 Days to come

Another beautiful day. Kids & I went to S.S. Then we were going to Wares for dinner. Mother did not go over there but when we got home she had gone to Reyners. Gwynn did not go either but he came over in P.M and told us he would do the chores. We went with Roy on a couple of his calls. We had a very enjoyable day. did not get home until 11.00