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158th Day  207 Days to come

[[strikethrough]] Pay Stupp [[/strikethrough]]

We went in town this A.M.  Paid the Int for us and for Mother.  Also sent Gwynn's Income tax.  We met Mildred and she was sorta blue so we had a picnic lunch at the roadside park.  Then I sent Gwynn a box of stationary and candy.  It cost 12.40 to send it.  .80 a lb for airmail  We also stopped at Aunt Netties awhile.  Asked them out Sun for dinner

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159th Day  206 Days to come

We did the ironing I did quite a bit of mending.  But Harners socks none of them are fit to even mend.  Peg took her lesson and we stopped at Florences.  Eddie came home with us.  It surely poured rain.  I never saw it run over the road across the lane before.

Wrote Gwynn & Dick.