Viewing page 141 of 205

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[[preprinted]] 1951
276th Day  St. Theresa  89 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

Another beautiful day. Think I will wash windows outside today. Also want to go see Venus.

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[[preprinted]] 1951
277th Day  St. Francis of Assisi  88 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

[[strikethrough]] Send Dicks Ins. [[/strikethrough]]
Pay Walko

Still no letter from Gwynn. Talked to Mrs Thompson and Ila Leminger called me. Mrs T. hears from Fred but Mrs L has not heard from her son. I talked to Mrs George Raider. She hears from Emery regularly. Paid Walko in full.  I hope forever and ever.

Got our tax return $32 + $1.12 Int.

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4676 Kenton
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