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[[preprinted]] 1951
282nd Day  83 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

A beautiful fall day after a crisp frost. I did some mending then decided to wash. Called about the car. They said they would have the car ready at 1:30. So I got ready and Ralph Cooper came at 2.00 I went to see Venus.  Saw Miriam & Terry & Gene. Came home folded clothes and got Chilli for supper. fender 19.69  Spring for car cost 24.75

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[[preprinted]] 1951
283rd Day  Day of Atonement  82 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

Did some mending. Then Nelson brought the package from Gwynn. I was so thrilled I could not get down to work. Then Bertha and I went to the show but I had to leave before it was over to take Dick for his lesson. Then went to Mrs Chingermans to penny Bingo.