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[[preprinted]] 1951
318th Day  47 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

Did up chores and went to sleep awhile.  They brought a tank of gas.  Went after Peg at noon.  I had an appointment for a wave at 12.30.  Paid the last payment on the refrigerator so now it is ours.  Ha.  Took Peg, Barbara, Betty, Rita, Carol & Carol to Wright Patterson Field for the program The Liles School put on for wounded aviators.

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[[preprinted]] 1951
319th Day  46 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

Pay Lazarus $38.73

Pretty hunting day.  Kids were excused to go hunting.  I am going to Berthas Stanley party.  Gave her a $5.18 order.  Went in town went to see Venus.  She had a lot of callers.  Got a letter from Ava.

Sent out M.O. to Lazarus.