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[[preprinted]] 1951
340th Day  25 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

My House of Stewart party is tonight so must get my house cleaned. Went in town got Ice Cream bars & cookies. Sold some of my salt cellars. $18.00  And that gold cup for $5.00. There were here Helen Blue, Olive, Doris, Jane, Annabel E., Margaret Bertha & Florence Simmons & Peg.

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[[preprinted]] 1951
341st Day  24 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

Did the chores. It was raining so did turn cows out until about noon.  Went in town. Did some shopping got my mystery sister's scarf. She said she wanted one. Did some other shopping??  Went to K of C.  Won .75
Olive, Hattie, Helen got 0.  
Jackie Stevens stayed all night with Dick. After game at E.L. Peg stayed with Barbara