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Saturday, January 26, 1952
26th Day—340 Days to Follow

Rainy. Took Peg in about 9.30. Did the shopping all but Dad's lunch meat. Then I could not get the car started. Called Chuck he fixed by wiping the wires and then it started. Got a letter from Gwynn with a picture. Will have to get the meat when I go in after Peg.

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Gwynns Prud Ins 8.75 pd. 17th

Sunday, January 27, 1952
27th Day—339 Days to Follow

We went to SS & Church. Got home at 12:15 Looked at the paper and started dinner at 12:35 and we were eating fried chicken etc at 1:05. Deep fried it and pressure cooked the rest. Pearl & Gertrude called on me a while. Glad to see them otherwise it was a lonesome long day.