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maybe he's a boy wonder - who knows? Heard from Mr. [[underlined in red]]Hirsch,[[/underlined in red]] head of [[underlined in red]]La Clede Power[[/underlined in red]] and Light, who is in the [[underlined in red]]same boat with Porter on a [[/underlined in red]] fireless job as Butler is on his diesel-loco terribly late and old steamer ready to cave in.

[[underlined in red]]No papers yet to sign[[/underlined in red]] - maybe early next week. We learn today we are to move soon to an apartment house at 22nd & Virginia so Paul McNutt's manpower board can take over our nice air conditioned quarters. It has been steaming hot all week in Washington and I dread going to a non-air conditioned place.

[[underlined in red]]Charlie down in the dumps[[/underlined in red]] today because the Requirements Committee would ok AAA only for materials for repair and maintenance. He's going to bat again next week on it.

[[open parenthesis in red]]Bill Sagstetter's last day today. Next week he going in Army Ordnance to work for a commission as a locomotive maintenance supervisor in western part of country - a job he'll be better suited to than this WPB job. I've enjoyed Bill - we've bummed around together in the spring especially weekends - had a great trip to Williamsburg in his car including being punished for speeding in Virginia - and Bill with no driver's license but he got away with it with only $11.00 fine.[[/open parenthesis in red]]

[[underlined in red]]Off to Erie tonight on "Puddlejumper"[[/underlined in red]] - chicken salad uneatable at dinner, both Earl Bill's and mine, even a second helping putrid. What service the Pennsy does give! To bed early to try to make up for last night's ridiculous performances. No more such escapades as that - it isn't even patriotic. I can't do my war job and carry on that way - and the job comes first.