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En route to Washington
Sunday, Aug. 23, 1942.

Out to the office this morning to go over the mail etc. I see that for August so far they have booked close to [[red underline]] 100 [[/red underline]] locomotives of all types which must be a record and means the place is sold out way up to next spring - all of which [[red underline]]takes a load off my GE mind. [[/red underline]] This afternoon I had Jack and Chuck over to the house to discuss principally the [[red underline]] district manager's meeting [[/red underline]] program for Sept. 7 and 8 at which I am to preside over the industrial [[underline]] locomotive session. [[/red underline]] My main talk will be relative to the mechanics [[red underline]] of operation under L-97 [[red underline]] which I finally got Whitey to agree is okay; it seems Chet [[red underline]] Lang is raising some more hell about me being on WPB[[/red underline]] and has [[red underline]]threatened to write a letter to Houghton[[/red underline]] to "[[red underline]]cover up[[/red underline]]" [[/red underline]] as nearly as I can make out, just in case there is ever a flare back from WPB - Chet can then say, "Well, [[underline]] we [[/underline]] didn't want him in there." Great stuff! How sensitive the company is these days and I suppose not without good reason.

[[red underline]] I managed to get [[/red underline]] in some catch with Rog this weekend but I had to turn him down a couple of times too, there was so much to do - and it did hurt me to see him smile disappointedly and wander [[red underline]] off to throw his ball against the house by himself and catch it. [[/red underline]] There will be many compensations if I give up this WPB job, not the least of which will be a chance to live at home again and be with my family. Rog in particular I miss and seem to want and need even more than Babbie, sweet as she is. Somehow "The Man" catches my heart like no one else. All I can do is pray they all may stay well and happy and some fine day [[red underline]] we can all be together again in a better world.[[/red underline]] [[end bracket]]

Transcription Notes:
Changed 'underline' to 'red underline' Fixed red underlining at '...WPB and has threatened...'