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about me and other on WPB he has gone on himself! He has resigned from the presidency of the Company according to the Erie paper tonight and Swope and Young are back in the saddle again! "PM's" article said people were much "disappointed" with the appointment because D.C. Prince had publicly announced G. E. was ready for "business as usual," the Company was under fire for anti-trust violations, etc. It is all very interesting to me. and I wonder how it will affect my case. 

Willie and Mother met me at the train and things seem to be going smoother thank heaven. The children are well and in school. I went home, unpacked and then went back to the plant, picking up Birbeck at the hotel. We had a session with Dick Miller, et al. developing nothing particularly new except some ideas about scheduling locomotives that I shall take back with me. 

To my amazement, I found that the Erie Sailors had won their way into the finals of the Middle Atlantic play-offs and had won the first two games of that from Canton. The children are so excited over it all they talk and think of nothing else - a couple of real fans. So tonight the whole family went including Mother, who has developed into a fan also, and saw a wonderful game which Erie won 1-0 with Paul Le Palme hurling a "4 hit masterpiece" for Erie against "Red" Clifton, the [[?]] and steady Canton man. During the game, they had a two minute practice blackout and I sat there in the dark between Bab and Rog, with one of their hands in each of mine and knew I had something more precious to me than anything else on earth. I determined then that from now on I will live a better game, one that is more worthy of them to whom I owe everything that I can produce in the way of a worthwhile life. And