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[[checkmark]] Pat, who spent several years in the Orient, was recently interviewed by the FBI who wanted the names of everyone he knew who might be familiar with the big cities of Japan - a prelude apparently to bombing.

Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, Oct. 21, '42.

[[checkmark, bullet point]] Had breakfast with Whitey at the Carlton and the copper situation apparently is very critical - G.E. may really be faced at last with curtailed locomotive production. However, it is hard for me to picture it. Apparently the photo-engraving industry gets all the copper they want and I'll bet there are other leaks that can and will be plugged up if locomotive curtailment appears to be coming as a reality. Whitey wanted to know if I had submitted my resignation yet and I told him no; we agreed he would discuss the matter with Stevenson tonight when they attend a dinner together for Lord Halifax.

[[checkmark, bullet point]] George Koch of Davenport in today crying the blues about Caterpillar engines - bad bottleneck. Rehorst in today and Watterson conferring with Mat Tate and still trying to hang onto their bloated schedule come hell or high water.

[[checkmark, bullet point]] Vic took a jump out out of me today for authorizing locomotives for production when no materials are available to build them. I had him there because he referred to the 60 - 10 ton for Russia and the material comes out of the Russian pot as I was able to prove to him.

[[checkmark, bullet point]] Lunch with Whitey and Charlie at Madrilon where Charlie told Whitey his history - and Charlie really admires Whitey and the GE Co., a comforting ray of light in this wilderness of confusion. GE would quit locomotives for tanks in a minute if someone would tell them to.

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