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Washington, D.C.
Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1942.

[[x]] I bought some sulfa pills while in Erie and took "the cure" again last night - and today I really believe it did some very definite good.  If I could get rid of that trouble, it would mean an awful lot to me.

[[checkmark, bullet point]] Worked up a [[underlined]] tentative locomotive standardization program [[/underllined]] today for the small builders and included an allocation for manufacturing the various types.  Also [[underlined]] reviewed the Porter schedule with Mat [[/underlined]] and gave him my opinions on what should be done with it.  I think they are still temporizing far too much with Porter and someone, someday is going to get a god-awful burning for having done it - the idea in Mat's head seems to be that the burning will come if we do crack down on Evans; I fail to understand why he seems to have them all buffaloed.  If I were in Charlie's or Stevenson's position I'd straighten them out so fast it would make their heads swim.

[[x]] Am planning to go home Friday night but not even an upper to be had today!  I'll get something later.  Downtown this noon sent Willie two pound box of Huyler's chocolates - should do it oftener and wouldn't have thought of it today if Mat hadn't stopped in Huyler's to send some to his daughter.  That thoughtlessness is one of my greatest deficiencies.

[[checkmark, bullet point]] Charlie held a meeting on production and schedules with representatives of Alco, Lima and Baldwin today attended by Ed, Vic and Charlie Whitehead.  For some unknown reason, Marshall, whose job is the scheduling of the large builders, was not invited to sit in.  If I had been in his position, I think I should have left tonight for home and let the job go to hell; I am at an absolute loss to understand such a thing.

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