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^[[X]] Jack Hause told me today on phone that Jim McKenzie died suddenly last Sunday and is being buried today! Mac had a heart attack a couple of years ago but was supposed to be OK again. Mac couldn't have been much older than I.

Washington, D.C.
Thursday, Nov. 12. '42.

^[[X]] Woke up this morning with bad headache, upset stomach and one eye that refused to focus properly for a quarter hour after I got up.  I haven't felt worse since getting up one morning in St. Albans, Vt. after a big beer session with Connie Donovan the night before.  Finally struggled down to the office about 10AM feeling like the wrath of Providence.  About 10:30 I walked up to the city ticket office to pick up my reservation for Friday and walked all the way back; the crisp air made me feel a little better but not much.  Had a rotten lunch at the drug store alone - "tender steak" was practically uncuttable and unchewable, potatoes verging on being sour and string beans mostly all string. [[underlined]] Mat explained placidly [[/underlined]] that they had arrived at the Mayflower last night at 7 and had looked "all over" for me - didn't seem to have a guilty conscience at all.
^[[ checkmark]] I worked on Kardex all afternoon; wasn't good for much else.  Sanford Brown brought in a Miss [[underlined]] Elizabeth Braunstein [[/underlined]], a statistician upstairs, who is a candidate to help keep our schedule records, etc.

^[[X]] Earl Bill phoned, all riled up because Jack Hause had crossed him again - there is bad blood there - a bad situation.  Earl said he was beginning to sympathize with Shap and was appealing to me as the boss of the Industrial Section.  I referred him to Whitey.  I'm too out of touch with Erie now to be messing into petty office squabbles.

^[[X]] Had dinner with Vic, Mat and Ed (who was sick all day and stayed at the hotel) and lost 31ยข at rummy before returning at 10PM.

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