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it was an [[underline]] outrage for [[/underline]] someone like Evans to smear a man down here trying to help the war effort at personal sacrifice and furthermore possibly affect his future success by such actions as this letter. [[these lines highlighted by line in margin]] If it was eight pages it must have said plenty and covered the situation very completely.  He compared me to Phil Reed, stated the GE's [[/lines highlighted]] position with regard to me being here and [[these lines highlighted by line in margin]] apparently built me up. (As good, old Charlie says, frequently every knock is a boost when it comes from the right place.)  If Nelson, by any possible chance, should ask me to resign, I feel quite sure some of the rest of our crowd would follow suit because of their opinion of Evans.  It seems rather like a bad dream, the whole thing but I have no cause to regret anything I have done other than perhaps, talk critically of Porter with the other men in our section.  But everyone has done that - how can one help it when the Porter crowd carry on their business and their dealings with WPB in the utterly irresponsible, even unscrupulous way they do.  It insults every instinct of fair play and business decency to see them hoodwink customers with false promises, take advantage of their competitors the way they did on the first 50 0-6-0 program which got them the "Army-Navy E," oversell themselves and then be absolutely adamant to anything that involves straightening the rotten mess up by giving up one single thing.  The whole thing irritates me beyond measure largely because it is so damned unfair; and whenever I see that smug, fat face with the baby pink cheeks and the silly grin, I'd like to punch it in.[[/lines highlighted]]

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