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Stevenson wanted to see me this morning while I was in session with the builders so told me not to bother. After that I didn't see him again, so don't know what developments there were on the job.

[[red line down the left margin]] Am snowed under with work as usual but particularly so right now. And I thought back in July we would have this job running itself in two or three months!  I see now it will never get that way. Things change too fast and new problems come up every day.

I picked up my reservation to go home Friday, got some liquor at Milstones to take back to Erie, and then went to the hotel. I checked everybody and had dinner alone in the drugstore as an experiment. It was unquestionably the worst meal I have had in Washington. The soup was full bodied but so peppery you could barely stand it, the steak tough, the succotash sour, the mashed potatoes watery, flies buzzing around, a nigger dishwasher sounding off beyond a partition, no choice of desert - I decided it wasn't worth it to save a dollar.

Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, Dec. 9, '42.

This morning I ran into Stevenson in the toilet and as we were alone, he informed me thht I am wanted by WPB ie he was offering me a job at $8000. I told him I would take it up with the Company and he opined I was not too good a one to do that job. He inquired who the new president is and I told him Gerard Swope; he has ideas of putting the bee on Gerard apparently. I am greatly honored and also greatly disturbed because I must make a decision now that may affect my whole life - unless the Company takes some action to make the decision for me. I think however, they will put it in my lap.

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