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^[[red line down left margin of next two paragraphs]] Later Charlie came in and put his heat on me - he evidently knows the whole story. This is one of the toughest spots I have ever been in and one I never dreamed I was working myself into.

I spent the day working up the January schedule for next Tuesday's meeting but my mind was pretty full of my problem most of the time. George Koch came in with a story that Marsh is going to put a stop to all further 0-6-0 shipments until a complete set of spare parts can be sent with each locomotive - may want to set schedules back to do it! And he hasn't ordered any spares yet for the units that are about to come out! Wonderful management!

I was invited up to the Harley-Rennix apartment for dinner with Andy Campbell and a riotous hearts session for fun - it was good it was for I lost heavily again and it would have cost me money. I presented Vic and Ed with a bottle of Cutty Sark and we got into that. The game broke up at 10PM so Vic could pack to go home tomorrow to see his doctor about a pain in his stomach he has had for several days. Andy left and [[underline]] Ed and I had a [[/underline]] bull session together until 1 AM when we adjourned to the Metronome Room for a sandwich and a nightcap, closing the place at [[underline]] 2 AM! [[/underline]]  Another innocently started evening that developed. In a rather incoherent way I think he was trying to give me some good advice but it didn't [[red line down left margin to end of paragraph]] help. On the one hand he insisted I must stay here but on the other, I must not leave the Company. Nor could he answer my question as to what he would do if he were in my position. And so it went round and round and we never got anywhere. 

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