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[[underline]] The family met me and after picking Babbie up at Dr. Gage's, where she had her finger fixed up again, we went home. Soon Jack Hause called me to say we don't work tomorrow. 
[[/underline]] It was like a gift [[underline]] from the gods [[/underline]] as I had fully expected to go to the office. 

[[underline]] This evening we went to Whitey's for a cocktail party [[/underline]] (really a high ball party) from 8 to 9:30, and where 
[[underline]] I saw a big chunk of the gang, all apparently glad to see me home again. 
[[/underline]] Then we went to the 
[[underline]] Lamborns where we spent the rest of the evening [[/underline]] quietly with them, saw the new year in and went [[underline]] home and to bed about 12:45 AM. [[/underline]] And so 
[[underline]] 1943 was on its way. May it be a great year! [[/underline]] It has tremendous possibilities. And in it, I have tremendous possibilities - may I make good and make it the greatest year I have ever lived. I fear it is too much to hope it will see Victory but it should carry ^[[red line down left margin]] us a long way toward Victory and Peace again. But before that glorious day comes, a lot of water will go under the dam, and a lot of sacrifice will have to be made by many people. May we take it all cheerfully and loyally and hasten the Day we all look forward to with all our hearts and souls.