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SAN FRANCSCO 20 December 23, 1948

Reply to

Mr. Spencer W. Morse,
Ogilvy, Gilbert & Morse,
P. O. Box 300,
Santa Barbara, California.

Dear Spence:

[[underlined]] 1FA3675-Arthur Sachs [[/underlined]]

Confirming our telephone conversation, we should like to advise that the California Palace of the Legion of Honor has not as yet received formal notification from Mr. Sachs to ship the paintings mentioned in your letter of December 17th.

Since we do not have specific shipping dates and since we do not know how long the items will remain at the Manhattan Storage & Warehouse Company in New York, it is impossible to issue proper endorsements at this time.  Furthermore, it is necessary for us to secure the applicable fire rates at the Eastern locations through our New York Office.

Under the circumstances, we are providing you with an extra copy of this letter which you may wish to forward to Mr. Herman G. Kopald of Moses & Singer at New York to the effect that we shall consider the two items as being covered while at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor, the Manhattan Storage & Warehouse Company and at the galleries of Jacques Seligmann & Company and in transit between these locations, provided the removal dates can be provided to us promptly so that the necessary endorsement can be issued.

We shall also be agreeable, in the event that it is necessary, to deal with the situation relative to subrogation against the Seligmann Galleries in the same fashion as we have in the past, namely, to waive rights of assured subrogated to us against the operators of the Seligmann Galleries.

We have written to Mr. Howe at the Museum here in San Francisco requesting that he provide us with specific dates of shipment and we have also written to our New York office requesting rates at the two New York locations, suggesting that in the event they need more specific information relative to these locations that same could be secured from Mr. Kopald.

We trust that the above meets with your approval.

Yours very truly,

GHB/ml  G. H. Bunyan,
Manager-Marine Dept.