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[[preprinted]] [[image/logo: etching of view from balcony]]
MONTECATINI TERME [[/preprinted]]

Sept 19/49

Dear Germain

Your letter in answer to mine of Aug 30 has been forwarded to me here, where we are taking the cure. We expect to be back in Paris on Oct 6th.

I have taken note of all you say. It may interest you to know that from Coolidge (whom I met in Venice) Agnes Mengan and Paul I have had superlative enthusiasm about the Tintoretto which apparently is now finished as to cleaning. In view of Agnes & her sister Betty Mengan being "2 peas in a pod" I presume this enthusiasm is transferred to Betty

[[preprinted]] TELEGRAMMI: GRANDHOTEL. - TELEFONI: DAL 24.51 AL 24.57 [[/preprinted]]