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October 31, 1952

Dear Arthur:

You will not be surprised if I tell you that I have been greatly distressed to hear your comments this morning over the telephone, and do hope you will find out in due time that you are under a very serious misapprehension as far as I am concerned.

In fact I am rather surprised that after having known me for so many years you should have so lightly jumped at conclusions, without even having given me a chance to talk to you.

However, the purpose of my telephone call of today was about your painting by Titian "The Adoration" and in connection with certain negotiations I had undertaken in the past, as you will recall.

You did not have me a chance to tell you this, hence these lines to let you know.

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Segliman)

Mr. Arthur Sachs
Hotel St. Regis
Fifth Ave. at 55th St.
New York, N.Y.
