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October 15, 1951


Mr. German Seligmann
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, N.Y.

Dear Germain:

I am in receipt of your letter of the 11th which, in addition to the telephone message you had from Kopald, actually crossed my letter of the same date.

As I wrote in my letter of the 11th, all these pictures are so much a part of my life that, even though as I mentioned to you Henry Moses does not entirely agree with me, I have made up my mind not to follow the plan that I had given you. The whole question is not of sufficient importance to make me want to follow his ideas. You can well imagine that the particular regret I have is to have taken any of your time or thought, and for this I sincerely apologize.

I have read carefully the situation you describe about Goya's "Bullfight", and the fact that you had already offered it to apparently an important client, and the embarrassment you find yourself in. I hate to place you in this position and therefore will protect you by allowing you to offer it to this one client referred to. If I say this, it is merely with the idea of buying overhere sometime a 19th Century picture or pictures, if the opportunity presents itself. I presume you have not mentioned a price as yet, and therefore I will thank you to mention the price of $75,000. After all, it is such a rare picture and it is so impossible to gage exactly its value that, if a really understanding amateur comes along who is willing to spend an important sum, it is just as easy to obtain $75,000 as $65,000. Therefore, in order to meet your request, I am communicating with the Palace of the Legion of Honor, and asking them to forward the picture to you. I presume it should reach you in about 10 days.

Referring to your Post-scriptum, I am having the picture insured until it reaches you, but after that it is understood that you are having it insured under your Policy for me as owner and beneficiary. Please keep me closely posted, and if the party in question is not interested, please advise me at once.

Hoping you understand the spirit in which I am acceding to your request, believe me,

Sincerely yours,
[[signed]] Art Sachs [[/signed]]
Arthur Sachs.

P.S.- One of the things that perhaps influence me to accede to your request is the fact that I have two other Goyas, also of such a rare quality, so I will try to console myself with these two.

^[[Be sure to say I am inclined to dispose of the picture, as I am concentrating more on the 19th Century French.]]