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December 14, 1951

Dear Mr. Baderou:

Since my last letter to you I assume you have been in touch with Mr. Charles Sterling and have talked over with him the so very complete pedigree you discovered in connection with the Philippe de Champaigne "Vision of St. Joseph".

If some time when you are at leisure you could let me know how you came to these conclusions I would indeed be much interested.

I am also wondering whether you have been able to obtain a copy of the Chardin-Fragonard catalogue of Les Arts et Les Artistes, and of the Florisoone book.

The main topic of this letter however is to revert to the matter of my membership in the Societe de l'Histoire de l'Art Francais, for if I recall properly the sum I paid for my subscription covered just one year, and it seems to me that at the time you alluded to the fact that one could send a global sum instead of a yearly "cotisation".  On the other hand I have not received any paper asking for my 1952 "cotisation" and as I loathe being behind in such payments I would be glad to have your opinion as to whether I am to send it now, and in what amount, for 1952 or just wait until I am requested to do so.  However, I would probably prefer becoming a "Membre Perpetuel" by one global payment.

You have been one of my two "Parrains" sponsoring my admission to this company, and I do not want to do anything you would not be in full accord with.

Now, in the line of business not having heard from you in that respect I deduce that you have not made any new sensational discoveries but please do think of me should you hear of anything special, or should you purchase anything of particular interest.

Meanwhile, with all good wishes and with best regards,

Sincerely yours,

(Germain Seligman)

Monsieur Henri Baderou
25 rue Faubourg St. Honore
