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December 7, 1955

Dear Mr. Baderou:

A couple of days ago I received a letter from Maître Legrain advising me that he had sent you a check as per my instructions in settlement of my purchase of the drawing by Pajou. I assume that you duly received it and your acknowledgement would oblige me.

In connection with this drawing I have found in the catalogue of the Musée Carnavalet exhibition of 1929 "Le Théatre a Paris" under No. 178 a drawing by Pajou "Bas-Relief destiné au couronnement de la porte d'une Galerie, á L'Opera de Versailles", Sanguine, Collection: M. Alexis Godillot. - H. O, 215 : L. O,310

In this respect I noticed that you have not sent the dimensions of my drawing and I would be grateful to you for sending it to me. By the same token could you let me know whether it could be the same drawing?

It would be interesting, were it so.

As long as we are mentioning pedigrees, did you have an opportunity to look up the Pontremoli reference I gave you in connection with the Cambiaso drawing?

Looking forward to hearing form you and with best greetings,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Henri M. Baderou,
25 rue du Faubourg St. Honoré,
Paris 8-e,
