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October 23rd, 1956

Dear Mr. Baderou:

In the last "Gazette de l'Hotel Drouot" I noticed the announcement of the autcion of Louis Mante.^[['s c.h.]]

I am much interested in it, having known it for a great many years.

May I ask you to be so good as to let me have as soon as possible a catalogue of this sale? However, as the [[underline]]finished[[/underline]] catalogue may not be out until a few days before the auction, I would like you to obtain from Mr. Catroux the sheets and reproductions even though they might not be bound - in other words - les bonnes feuilles avant reliure.-

When you will have an opportunity to do so, will you also ask Catroux what value he puts on the

[[underline]] DELACROIX[[/underline]] painting "Olinde et Sophronie sur le bucher".

Thanking you in advance, and with best regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Henri M. Baderou
25 rue du Faubourg St. Honoré
Paris 8-e