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November 8th, 1956

Dear Mr. Baderou:

Do have my best thanks for the"bonnes feuilles"of the MANTE auction which I duly received.

As soon as you will have had an opportunity of obtaining the reproductions, I would be obliged to you for sending them on, for though I knew the collection well, I would like to refresh my memory on some of the paintings.

Also I am wondering whether you s^[[h]]ould obtain from Jacques Dubourg or and Caterou valuations on the following:

GUSTAVE MORREAU - paintings and watercolors
ZIEM - painting
and the
TWO DELACROIX paintings.

Thanking you in advance for this compliment of information, and with best regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Henri Baderou
25 Rue du Faubourg St. Honoré,
Paris 8-eme