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December 6, 1956

Dear Mr. Baderou:

Not having received from you any of the documents you promised to forward in connection with the CARRACCI and the PAJOU drawing, I sent you this morning the following cable:

You were to send me a bill or a letter from Mr. Robert Levy acknowledging the sale to me of the painting by Carracci and with indications of the pedigree, and you in turn were to send me an invoice for the drawing by Pajou, with again full indications of provenance, exhibitions, and bibliographical data.

I trust that by now these different papers are on their way to New York, as not only are they needed for the American Treasury and Customs, but also for my accountant and files.  I have already mailed to Mr. Lefebvre-Foinet the two checks, one made out to the order of Mr. Robert Levy, the other to yours.  I requested him to advise you as soon as they would be in his hands.

Let me also thank you for the few lines giving me the size of the Gustave Moreau painting, and I am looking forward to further information you were able to gather as regards this great painting.

With renewed appreciation and all good wishes,

Very sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Monsieur Henri Baderou
25 Faubourg Saint-Honoré
Paris, France
