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[[preprinted]]WEST 3101


^[[check mark]][[RS]]

February 9, 1937.

Mr. René Seligmann,
3, East 51st. Street,
New York City.

Dear Mr. Seligmann:

It is very kind of you to offer to bring to Washington and leave at Dumbarton Oaks the Giotto Diptych, but the time you propose for coming here is unfortunately a most inconvenient one, as Mrs. Bliss and I will be here only for a few days between absences from the city with the house full of guests. We are leaving Washington again next week to be gone until early March.

As regards the other two objects to which you refer in your letter, I shall be glad to talk with you about them the next time I am in New York.  In any event, this will be sometime in the latter part of the present month.

Yours truly,

[[signature]]Robert Woods Bliss[[/signature]]