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Adams 6216
Cable Address
Milrob, Washington

2750 Que Street, N. W.
Washington 7, D. C.

May 13, 1947

Mr. Georges E. Seligmann
5 East 57th Street
New York City

Dear Mr. Seligmann,

The two small pieces of embroidery, which you kindly let me bring to Washington, have been studied with much interest at Dumbarton Oaks, and those who are competent there to pass judgment on textiles find they are very interesting peices.
While the two pieces are excellent examples they are not of outstand-ing interest to the work being carried on at Dumbarton Oaks. I shall therefore bring the textiles baack to New York with me, probably next week, and return them to you.
Both Mrs. Bliss and I enjoyed very much examining these two very fine embroideries and appreciate your letting us study them at leisure.

With kind regards,

Sincerely yours,

Robert Woods Bliss