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Prof. Alfred Chatain   -2-  November 13th., 1926.

story of the life of David. On the one -- David seated by a well is surrounded by shepherds who name him king; the second represents David showing Saul Goliath's head.

The tapestries are so heavily woven with gold and silver threads that they can compare to the finest that are known. This applies also to the colorings, the drawings and the weave.

Looking at these tapestries reminded me, when I first saw them, of the sentence which I read in Mr. Muntz' book when he referred to the tapestries of that epoch and called that epoch "The Golden Age of Tapestries". 

These tapestries were most probably, once upon a time, surrounded by a complete border. Years ago, we do not know when, the owners removed that border which was partly put on again at a later period - which is turned in but which didn't add anything to the tapestry. We believe in putting them in a Renaissance frame and showing them like we have seen tapestries of this epoch shown before. It allows the placing of a reflector on the top of the frame which throws a strong light on the tapestry and the gold threads are seen to their full advantage.

We are enclosing herewith a photograph of each of these tapestries, but as I have only two sets of them, I am sending you one small photograph of one and one large photograph of the other. On these photographs you cannot judge the quality and the amount of gold there is in the tapestries. They are practically of the same size, there being only 6 inches difference in the width. 

Hoping these lines do find you in good health, kindly believe me, 

Yours sincerely,

P.S. - An inventory dating back to 1544 mentions a set of gold woven tapestries relating the story of David as having made for the Emperor Charles the Fifth of Spain. This set disappeared and some critics thing that the two above mentioned tapestries were part of that set.

Prof. Alfred Chatain
629 Woodland Park,
Chicago, Ill.

P.S.--One can judge the amount of gold which is in the tapestries from the photographs. All the parts which look like dark marks are either gold or silver threads.