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^[[D. Mahon is written vertically in the margin]]

New York 22, New York

October 5, 1954

Dear Mr. Mahon:

I was so very disappointed not to have had the pleasure of seeing you this year in London. Bad luck had it that my visits to your city should have coincided with your absences from town. It would have given me so much pleasure to see you again and to admire some of your more recent purchases.

You will find herein the photograph of one of my recent purchases about which I would like to have your impression, if not an opinion, reluctant as I know you are to convey definite thoughts about a painting you have not actually seen. I do hope you will not consider this as an imposition, but as this particular field of art is one you are so keen about, I feel, irrespective of anything else, you will be interested in the photograph.

This Tarquin and Lucretia has been attributed to Artemisia Gentileschi. Would this seem to you, I repeat with all possible reservations, a reasonable attribution? Several years ago it had been considered as a French painting given by some to Valentin and by others to Regnier but now ... some of the very learned men claim it to be by the Italian artist, and I truly do not think I could have a better umpire than you. I personally do feel that it is by an Italian, but of course Valentin, having essentially painted in Italy, could come into line; but it does not have in my opinion quite the amount of violence of the few typical works I know of Valentin.

Then, you will find also herein, but this simply for your records, for I believe you will enjoy looking at the photograph, a truly superb painting by Strozzi. The black and white perforce does not give you an idea of the beautiful red of the cap and the so very subtle flesh tints. From the dimensions on the back you will notice that it is also an important work physically.

Should you have some moments of leisure to write to me, I would greatly appreciate it. Meanwhile, trusting you are well, and with best personal regards,

Sincerely yours,  ^[[GS]]

Germain Seligman

Dennis Mahon, Esq.
33, Cadogan Square
London, S. W. 1, England