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[[preprinted]] JULIS FLEISCHMANN
CINCINNATI [[/preprinted]]

Oct. 28th, 1930.

Mr. Clyfford Trevor,
C/o Jacaques Seligmann & Co.,
3 East 51st St.,
New York City.

My dear Clyfford:-

I have your letter of Oct. 18th relative to the portrait which Harrington Mann has done of me and which you wish to borrow for his exhibition in New York.

Dorette and I have talked this over and if you wish to borrow it, you may, provided that you will make all arrangements for sending to the house for the portrait, having it packed and shipped to New York and returned to the house when the exhibit is over.  Also it must be definitely understood that from the moment the picture leaves the house until it is returned, it is to be covered by $10,000 insurance. ^[[appr. cash 30 Tam. Ins. 6]].

I am sorry to appear so "hard-boiled" about this, but in-as-much as I frankly do not care very much about sending it anyway, I do not feel that I want to take any trouble in the matter or assume any risk.  If you care to have the picture under these conditions, please write me a letter confirming the arrangement outlined above.

Hoping to see you soon and with kind regards, I am

Sincerely yours,
[[underlined]] ^[[Trevor]] [[/underlined]]

Transcription Notes:
mandc: ^[[appr. cash 30 Tam. Ins. 6]] is probably ^[[appr cash 30 Trans, Ins. 6]]: sender's shipping costs.