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^[File Hearst]


January 24th, 1936.

Dear Mr. McGregor,

I am sending you herewith the photograph of six out of the eight panels of 13th century glass which we have for sale and which belong to a private collector in Paris.

They are extremely bright in color, dark blues, vivid reds, etc. The two circular stained glass on top of the photograph are of a later period and are not part of that ensemble. The eight panels have the same size: 28 1/4 x 32.

As you will notice, they represent subjects which are not religious, which makes this rare glass that much rarer. They are in a private house in Paris and the owners are asking $33,000. for them. They have had them expertized by two of the best French connaisseurs who both wrote very enthusiastically about them.

I mentioned also to you over the telephone four embroidered panels which we have here. These panels are most beautiful. One represents "The Last Supper"; it is 9' 8" long x 1' 8" wide. Another, "Israelites Gathering Celestial Manna" is the same size. Two are somewhat smaller, measuring 6' 4" long x 1' 8" wide, and depict "The Meeting of Abraham and Melchizedec" and "Passover Repast". The faces of the personages are delicately painted on silk. Their costumes, uniforms, armour, the trees, etc., are marvelously embroidered in colored silk and gold on red velvet. They are amongst the most beautiful and decorative works of the early 16th century. Their price is $20,000.

Thanking you for the trouble you are taking in this matter, and assuring you for my appreciation,

Kindly believe me
Yours sincerely,

(René Seligmann)

C. A. McGregor, Esq.,
387 Southern Boulevard,
Bronx, New York City.