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August 4, 1938.

Robert M. Levy, Esq.,
c/o Jacques Seligmann & Company, Inc.,
3 East 51st Street,
New York, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Levy:

Your letter of June 1st, calling to my attention the sale at Chri[[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]]stie's of the Mortimer L. Schiff collection was forwarded to me in Switzerland, from where I have just recently returned. It was so near the time of the sale that I thought it unnecessary to give you an immediate reply. It was very kind of you to write and to offer to be of service in the matter of representing me at the sale, but I regret to say that I was not, and am not at present, interested in the purchase of articles from the collection in question.

With kind remembrances and best wishes,

Yours very sincerely,

[[signed]]Paul Mellon[[/signed]]