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March 8, 1968

Dear Mr. Mellon:

May I have the privilege of your visit? - as I feel you would greatly enjoy seeing two paintings of exceptional merit and quality which I am proud to have acquired recently.

However, they are not of the schools with which your name is usually associated. They are neither English nor of the Impressionist or Post Impressionist schools. They are French of the middle of the XIXth century. In view of their rare character they are difficult to classify under the headings of the respective artists - this, purposely, I am giving you no further details in this letter, though they are outstanding - a statement you will agree with, I feel certain.

Several years ago you acquired from my Firm drawings by Bonington, though I did not then have the pleasure of meeting you, which I hope is but deferred.

May I add that I was happy to learn a short time ago that you had become the owner of the superb painting "L'Arrosoir", by Roger de LA FRESNAYE, which will appear, as you know, in my catalogue raisonné of the oeuvre of this artist, which is in the process of being published. As you are no doubt aware it is a pendant to the "Mappemonde" in the Duncan Phillips collection - both are masterpieces of LA FRESNAYE.

Would you be good enough to request your secretary to post me should you intend dropping in at my galleries.

Looking forward to this opportunity of making your acquaintance,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Paul Mellon
"Oak Spring"
Upperville, Virginia 22196