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^[[Mr Germain



November 20, 1924. 

Andrew Mellon, Esq., 
Secretary of the Treasury 
Washington. D.C. 

Dear Sir:-

Having to go to Washington in the near future, I would very much like to take advantage of this first visit to the Capital of the States to call on you, as I know what a great Art patron you are. 

You undoubtedly know of our firm, as it has been established in New York for over twenty years, and is connected with the building up of the most important Collections of this Country.

You probably also have often heard of my late father, Mr. Jacques Seligmann, who was Mr. Pierpont Morgan's adviser in many instances. 

As our main house is in Paris, at the Ancien Palais de Sagan, my stay here in the States will be of short duration, and I would consider it as a very great personal favor to be able to meet you, and hoping to receive a favorable answer, 

Believe me to be, 

Yours sincerely,