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January 9th., 1926.

John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Esq.,
10 West 54th. St.,
New York, New York.

Dear Mr. Rockefeller:

We have recently acquired two of the finest Renaissance tapestries that have come to this country in recent years. They are heavily woven with gold thread and are after cartoons by Raphael.

They are remarkable in both color and design and bear the monogram of William Pannemakers, of Brussels. They were woven about the year 1840, probably for one of the members of the Imperial Family of Austria, for whom Pannemakers made most of his important tapestries, and are in excellent condition. They are of a very convenient size, one measuring, 7 ft. high by 10 ft. 5 in. wide, and the other, 6 ft. 11 in. high by 8 ft. 11 in. wide. 

As there are not more than about nine or ten tapestries of this nature in the United States, we thought possibly you might be interested to see them.

Hoping to have the pleasure of your visit, we are,

Yours very truly,

