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February 6, 1950


Dear Jerry:

Just a short line to let you know how very pleased I was to have received Mrs. L.F. Hyde.

I showed her, as we had agreed, the small PRUD'HON drawing "Daphnis and Chloe"; the WATTEAU drawing, the pedigree of which goes back to the de Julienne collection, and the "Coup de Vent" by BONNARD.

She looked at every items with her usual keen eyes but did not inquire about prices and made no further comments.

Though I was a little disappointed with the result of her visit, I enjoyed indeed seeing her again, as charming as ever.

Asking you to kindly remember me to your most attractive wife, and with kind regards,

Sincerely yours,

(Germain Seligman)

Joseph J. Dodge, Esq.
24 Maple St.
Hudson Falls, New York
