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February 7th, 1925.

George Eastman, Esq.,
East Avenue
Rochester, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Eastman:-

When you were here on Thursday, I forgot to show you a very interesting XIVth Century portrait by MORO, known in England as Sir Antonio MORE. This painter as you no doubt know was born in 1518, but he spent quite a few years of his life in Madrid, a Court painter to King Philip II.

I am sending you, under separate cover, a photograph of this painting as I thought you might be interested in it, being more the size of the canvas you were looking for. The outside dimensions, including the frame of this picture are:- 53" x 34, 1/4". I might mention that either the Minneapolis or the Detroit has recently purchased a portrait by this same artist.

I am also taking the liberty of again suggesting to you that you try to find some place for the Francis 1st portrait, as it is really, for several reasons, one of the most remarkable pictures of its kind that has come to America in recent years. It is one of the four authenticated portraits of this famous French monarch, one being in the Louvre, one in the Johnson Collection, Philadelphia, and two others of