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New York, New York 10022

May 8, 1975

Dear Mary,

You may recall that in connection with the marble statue of Louis XIV by Martin Desjardins, signed and dated 1675, which was acquired by the S.H. Kress Foundation, Ethlyne and I published an article (Art Quarterly, Autumn 1968, p. 285) linking it to projects by Charles Le Brun.

In the [[underlined]] Bulletin de la Société de L'Histoire de L'Art Francais [[\underlined]], année 1973, published in 1974 but only received a few days ago, which carries an article by Jorg Garms on "A pavilion with a royal statue and a fountain, project found among the papers of Charles Le Brun" (translation of title), our article is referred to in footnote 2, on page 165.

The author writes, ".....La statue de Desjardins constitute le point de départ de toutes celles qui figurent sur nos dessins....".  Translation, ".....The statue by Desjardins constitutes the point of departure in all those which figure in our drawings....", evidently confirming our conclusions.

If I am mentioning this article it is because I thought it would hold your attention, and complete the file on the lovely Desjardins marble.  Furthermore, I am wondering whether Dr. Middeldorf would not want to insert this additional information in his catalogue.

With best personal regards, 

Sincerely yours, 

Germain Seligman

Miss Mary Davis
Samuel S. Kress Foundation
221 West 57th Street
New York, New York 10019
