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New York 22, N.Y.

February 13, 1963

Dear Sandrino:

If I have delayed so long answering your good lines of January 28th, it is because our plans, in view of the "Lady Foreman's" activities, were so vague. 

But now, Jury duties being over, we have decided to leave next week, in search of some sunshine, and do not expect to be back before March 15th. 

However, as long as Professor Zeri will remain in this country until early Summer, we will have time to arrange a little dinner party upon our return. 

Let me take advantage of these lines to thank you again for your kindness and help. 

With warm regards, 

Cordially yours,

Germain Seligman

Dott. Alessandro Contini-Bonacossi
S. H. Kress Foundation 
221 West 57th Street
New York 19, N.Y.
