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New York 22, N.Y.

January 29, 1963

Dear Guy:

Miss Mary Davis was good enough to convey your message as regards the review of the Fragonard book, and how very grateful I am to you to have called my attention to it. 

My Sundays consist in reading these different magazines and art publications; but, being behind, this particular one would have remained unopened had it not been for your mention of it. 

Were it necessary, this indeed constitutes a new vindication of your great Fragonard portrait and I assume you wrote about this review also to Mr. John Walker who, in turn, must have been very pleased. 

You probably did not realize that the two other portraits, referred to in the same paragraph and also left out of the catalogue, were originally mine. The one in the BUHRLE Collection and the other now at the FOGG, previously DUNLAP Collection. 

I am just as pleased however, that my name was not mentioned; for, later on in the article, CAILLEUX' appears, and it could have sounded as if a dealers' alliance had been entered into. In fact, to my knowledge at least, I have never met Mr. Carpenter, whose objectivity and courage I greatly admire. 

With renewed appreciation of your thoughtfulness and warm regards,


Germain Seligman

Mr. Guy Emerson
S. H. Kress Foundation
221 West 57th Street
New York 19, N.Y.
