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^[[Dr. Suida]]

November 1, 1954

Dear Dr. Suida:

As I promised you I am sending you herewith the bible reference to the three men seated on the top left of the Luca Giordano painting:  Exodus 17:9 to 13.

In other words, it represents Moses with Aaron and Hur.  In the "Pontormo to Greco" exhibition, Indianapolis, February-March, 1954, a painting by Federico Zuccaro also represents the same scene which is evidently the battle of the Israelites against the Amalecites; and also I believe I told you I too have a drawing representing the same scene.

May I take advantage of these lines to tell you anew how much Mrs. Seligman and I enjoyed calling on you all last Saturday.  With best personal regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Dr. William E. Suida
111-40 Seventy-sixth Drive
Forest Hills, Long Island
New York