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February 2, 1954

Dear Mr. Kress:

    Following my letters of September 17, and 23rd 1953, I take pleasure in sending you herein my firms invoice dated February 1, covering the Samuel H. Kress Foundation's purchase of the remaining five marble sculptures from the collection of H.H. the Prince of Liechtenstein, amounting to a total of $125,000 (One hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars).

    The angel of the Annunciation by the Master of the Mascoli altar was, as you already know, delivered yesterday to the Manhattan Storage Warehouse for your account and further on February 4, the four other statuettes will be similarly turned over to them. 

    The insurance which my firm is keeping on these sculptures (with the exception of the Angel of the Mascoli altar, no longer in my firms custody) will thus cease on February 4, upon completion of the transfer of the last four sculptures to the representatives of the Manhattan Storage Warehouse. 

    Before closing these lines may I tell you anew how particularly happy I am that thee exception seven marble sculptures will remain together as they have for so long a past period of time. I hope that this acquisition will in years to come be one more reason for the public at large to recognize the enlightenment and generosity of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation. 

Yours very sincerely, 

(Germain Seligman)

Mr. R.H. Kress
The Samuel H. Kress Foundation 
221 West 57th St. 
