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Hayti has now a firmly established and progressive political existence, and, as is evidenced by the propositions set forth in this plan of emigration, have full comprehension of the present mission to which it is called, and the future destiny of their race on this continent.
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The following call has been issued by the Secretary of the Interior:

Men of our race dispersed in the United States! Your fate, your social position, instead of ameliorating, daily becomes worse. - The chains of those who are slaves are riveted; and prejudice, more implacable, perhaps, than servitude, pursues and crushes down the free. Everything is contested with us in that country in which, nevertheless, they boast of liberty; they have invented a new slavery for the free, who believed that they had now no masters; it is this humiliating patronage which is revolting to your hearts. Philanthropy, in spite of its noble efforts, seems more powerless than ever to lead your cause to victory. Contempt and hatred increase against you, and the people of the United States desire to eject you from its bosom.

Come, then, to us! the doors of Hayti are open to you. By a happy coincidence, which Providence seems to have brought about in your behalf, Hayti has risen from the long debasement in which a tyrannical government had held her; liberty is restored there. - Come and join us; come and bring to us a contingent of power, of light, of labor; come, and together with us, advance our own common country in prosperity. We will come by this means to the aid of the philanthropists who make such generous efforts to break the chains of those of our brethren who are still in slavery.

Our institutions are liberal. The government is mild and moderate. Our soil is virgin and rich - we have large tracts of good land, nearly all uncultivated, which only need intelligent workmen to till them. Everything assures you in this country of a happy future. - For those among you who possess capital, it will be easy to find at once a place among us. The country offers them immediate resources. They can count on the solicitude of the Government, and on its special protection. Our society is ready to adopt them, and prepares for them a fraternal welcome. They will enjoy here all the considerations that they merit; they will occupy the rank that their respectability assigns them - all the things that a blind and barbarous prejudice refuses to them in countries inhospitable to our race.

The poorer emigrants shall have the right to all that their situation demands. The Government will provide for their first necessities, and will take the proper measures to secure to them a quiet and honorable asylum, as well as to facilitate for them the means of obtaining employment.

It is very natural that you should ask, before coming to an unknown country, what are the facilities that will be afforded to you, as well for the satisfaction of your first needs, as for your definitive settlement. This thought has seriously occupied the Chief of the Republic and his Government.

I proceed to state the determination to which it has come:-

To such of you as are not able to pay the expenses of your passage, aid will be given from the public treasury.

Agents, whom I shall presently appoint in the United States, will be charged to make the necessary arrangements in this respect.

On their arrival here, the emigrants will find lodging gratuitously, where, during the first few days, their needs will be provided for.

Government will occupy itself from this time with providing means to offer to each person, on arrival, either on private estates or the public domains, sufficiently remunerative work.

Every individual, the issue of African blood, may, immediately on arrival, declare his wish to be naturalized: and after one year's residence, he can become a citizen of Hayti, enjoying all his civil and political rights.

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The emigrants will be exempt from military service, but their children, when they are of the requisite age, shall be held to perform the service comformably to the laws of the country; that is to say, for a limited time, and by the result of conscription. Par suite du tirage au sort. This conception does not constitute, in their favor, a modification of the law on the National Guard, of which every citizen must form a part.

You will have power, also, freely to exercise your religion.

I have spoken here only of the members of the African race, who groan in the United States more than elsewhere, by reason of the ignoble prejudice of color; but our sympathies are equally extended to all those of our origin who, throughout the world, are bowed down under the weight of the same sufferings. Let them come to us! The bosom of the country is open to them also. I repeat it, they will be able to acquire, either on the public or private estates, fertile lands, where, by the aid of assiduous labor, they will find that happiness which, in their actual condition, they cannot hope to find.

The man whom God has pointed out with his finger to elevate the dignity of his race, is found.

The hour of the reunion of the children of Hayti is sounded! Let them be well convinced that Hayti is the bulwark of their liberty!

Given at the office of the Secretary of State of the Interior, at Port-au-Prince, the 22d of August, 1859, Fifty-Sixth year of Independence. The Secretary of State, of Justice, and of Worship, charged par interim, with the portfolio of the Interior and of Agriculture.


Mr. Redpath has made the following appointments, for the purpose of carrying out the project of emigration of the present Administration of the Republic:

Rev. H. H. Garnet, Resident Agent for New York.

Rev. J. T. Holly, Traveling Agent for New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

John Brown, Jr., Traveling Agent for the Canadas.

Rev. E. V. Berry, Traveling Agent for Michigan.

John E. Williams, Traveling Agent for Indiana.

J. D. Harris, Traveling Agent for Ohio.

John C. Underwood, Jr., Agent for the District of Columbia.

George Lawrence, Jr., Corresponding Agent for the Seaboard Slave States.

A. E. Newton, Corresponding Secretary at Boston.
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DEATH OF A WELL-KNOWN CITIZEN. - Mr. Henry O. Remington, a well-known and respectable citizen, died about two o'clock this morning, at his residence on South Water street, from lock-jaw. Some two weeks since, while engaged in his business, he accidentally drove a splinter into one of his thumbs, under the nail, a portion of which only was removed at the time. A few days after he was attacked with lock jaw, and his sufferings have been intense, which he bore with great fortitude. - Mr. Remington was born in Rhode Island, and was 43 years of age.


The funeral services over the remains of Mr. Remington, were solemnized at Liberty Hall yesterday afternoon. The hall was crowded in every part.

The services were opened with the chant - 'Cast they bread upon the waters,' by a select choir. Selections of Scripture were then read by Rev. Mark Trafton, followed by some remarks by the same gentleman. He said: We have come to bury our friend - the faithful husband - the unselfish philanthropist - the incorruptible citizen - the constant Christian - the honest man. The large number present would sustain the statements made. He was a man and a brother - all attested to this great truth. He was worthy this ovation, worthy this notice. His life is ended, his struggles are over, his battle is fought, his victory is secured. His life was a great success. Not in vain has he lived. He lays

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down the burden and throws aside his armor like a warrior who is conscious of having done his duty, his whole duty, and nothing but his duty. With many of us it is an easy thing to live. His success was wrung by sheer effort from the reluctant hearts around him. In spite of us he has won the respect which is accorded him here to-day. Belonging to a proscribed race he had something more to do than to build up. He had something to break down - something to trample under foot before he could ascend. And he has done it. Title and honor have never been his. But manhood was his. What a heart was his! What an unselfish philanthropy was his! His was a heart that always had room for one more. His was a heart which had no distinctions. He acknowledged the truth of the doctrine that of one blood all the nations of the earth were created. His work is done. He is gone where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest. He was a self-made man in the highest sense of the term. His life shows to us all what a man may do; what a man may build up and leave after him when he is gone. The Rev. gentleman closed by speaking words of cheering consolation to the bereaved widow and the relatives of the deceased. His remarks were very appropriate, and were listened to with strict attention by the vast audience.

Rev. L. A. Grimes, of the Southac Street Baptist Church, Boston, followed with a few remarks, after which he offered a fervent prayer. The burial service was then read by Mr. Trafton, and the services closed. - New Bedford Standard, Nov. 26th.
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FREDERICK DOUGLASS IN OGDENSBURGH. - We cut the following paragraph from the Ogdensburgh Daily Republican of Nov. 24: 

Frederick Douglass, of Rochester, delivered a lecture entitled 'Self-Made Men,' before the Mechanics' Association, at Lyceum Hall, in this village, on Friday. About a hundred ladies and gentlemen conquered their prejudices existing against the oppressed race and turned out to hear him. Mr. Douglass had not spoken more than five minutes before every listener had forgotten his color and the kinks in his hair, and drank in his words of wisdom with a thirst which it seemed would never be satisfied. Mr. Douglass has enjoyed considerable opportunities for travel and observation, in America and England, and notwithstanding the institution of slavery, and the wrongs heaped upon his race in this country, he pushed aside the black curtain, pronounced America the home of self-made men; and paid a glowing tribute to her people and her institutions. The audience were so well pleased with the lecturer, that arrangements were immediately made for a second lecture, to take place at Lyceum Hall on Monday evening when the admission will be free. Any person who misses the opportunity to hear Frederick Douglass, misses an opportunity to hear one of the greatest minds the country ever produced.

On Monday evening he delivered his lecture on the Races to a large and intelligent audience. The Journal, in speaking of the production, says:

Monday night's effort was mainly devoted to dispelling the modern theory set up by the oppressors of his race, that negroes do not belong to the human family, and proving a common origin of the races. No one who heard Mr. Douglass will deny that he successfully made out his case. It would be a very bold man indeed who would assume that Frederick Douglass, with noble bearing, commanding appearance, great knowledge, deep thought, brilliant wit, and burning eloquence, stands without the bounds of humanity. Yet Frederick Douglass is a negro, has been a slave, and has gained his acquirements and position under the most adverse circumstances. - His discourse was listened to with profit, we believe, by all who heard it, and was eminently calculated to leave a good impression on the audience.

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