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A fortress by the sea;
An honest man within,
Who dared to keep a patriot's trust
Against his Traitor kin.

Its walls with wealth are brave;
Its guns are staunchly set;
The Stars and Stripes that o'er it wave,
Have never failed us yet.

Millions of hearts beat strong;
Millions of hands prepare;
And should the smallest do him wrong,
A dark'ning host is there.

Old Sumter by the sea,
The dear old Flag above,
The man who holds them for the free --
Divide a people's love.

When worthy deeds are done,
Not heaven, or earth, is mute;
Now give our noble Anderson
A National Salute!

A jail in a foreign land;
A hero shut within,
Who dared to lift a hand, in chains,
Against the spoiler's sin.

That land is counted brave
To which our brother fled;
There the Red Cross and Lion wave,
That valiant things have said.

Millions of hearts beat strong
And bear him up in prayer;
But where the spoiler goes for wrong,
No hand is lifter there!

The Lion shrinks his task,
Our Eagle soars in scorn,
Where two great nations parleying, ask,
What of the bondman born?

And not for him the Cross;
And not for him the stars;
But fiends that wait, and flames that hiss
Against his prison bars.

When cause like this hath won,
Where is the Christian State?
God help thee, wretched Anderson,
To bide thy time and fate!

MADISON, Wis., Feb., 1961.

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The Rochester [[italics]] Express, [[/italics]] in speaking of the probability, at a future day, of a great negro confederacy in the Southern States says:

The negroes are seceding very fast.  We do not mean the individual 'secessions' by the Underground Railroad, which still continue, and which are nothing new, but rather their recent general stampede out of the Union, on account of Lincoln's election.  Two or three weeks ago, nearly three hundred and eighty-five thousand of their number were formally voted out of the Union in South Carolina, and day before yesterday, the same thing was done to three hundred and ten thousand in Mississippi.  We know, of course, that these proceedings were accomplished by [[italics]] white [[/italics]] men, who fondly delude themselves with the idea that they are the real masters in those States, an illusion which may do very well for the present, but which the negroes will dispel, as soon as they see fit to do so.

If any one doubts that the negroes are the real masters of the States which have so far seceded, and are, in fact, by far the most important part of the secessionists, let him look at the comparative white and slave population of those states:

[[state]] |  Whites.  |  Slaves.
South Carolina | 274,000 | 385,000
Mississippi | [[underlined]] 295,000 [[/underlined]] | [[underlined]] 310,000 [[/underlined]]
Total | 569,000 | 695,000

There are thus in the two States which have already seceded, 126,000 more slaves than whites.  When Florida secedes, as she has done, it will decrease this negro majority only a little, adding 47,000 to the white, and 39,000 to the slave population.  But as these are the figures of the census of 1850, since which the slaves have increased much faster than the whites, it is fair to assume that in
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the three States mentioned, there is at present, a slave majority of at least 150,000.

Under these circumstances, the negroes of the Cotton States have certainly a most captivating prospect opened before them.  With a fine soil, and a climate suited to their wants, and above all, with the control of what the Southern people have always called 'the great staple of the world,' the negro confederacy could hardly fail of becoming an important power, as it certainly will become the Utopia and paradise of negroes throughout the world.

SLAVE STATE STATISTICS -- The Philadelphia [[italics]] North American [[/italics]] deduces some interesting facts from the late census.  That enumeration shows that in the entire South the free population has gained largely upon the servile element, for while the former has gained 2 021,702, the latter gains but 798,941.  In 1850 the slaves were just half as numerous as the free population.  Now they have fallen behind 434,000  The gain of free population is chiefly in the border States  In Missouri the free population have nearly doubled in ten years, and the slaves, who in 1850 were as 1 to 7 of the whites, are as 1 to 9.  Kentucky in ten years gained 178,653 free people, and only 14,509 slaves.  Slavery in Delaware and Maryland shows a decided decrease in numbers.  In Kentucky and  Missouri it is evidently being overwhelmed by the large and steady increase of the free population.  In Virginia large as the slave population is, its hold is growing weaker.  In 1850, the excess of free people over slaves was 476,605; it is now 601,547, the increase of the free element during the decade having been 148,240, and of the slaves only 23 298.  It is apparent that in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri, the peculiar institution is ebbing away before the mighty power of free emigration.  In South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama Mississippi and Louisiana, the institution maintains its strength and preponderance.  In North Carolina, Tennessee and Arkansas it is strong and progressive, but the free element is largely in the ascendant.  Slavery is clearly moving towards the tropics, and if suffered to do so, will pass away from the States north of 36ยบ 30 min.

-- The Unitarian Society of Syracuse, of which Rev. Samuel J. May is pastor, passed resolutions. at a late meeting, expressive of the sense of the Society in the treatment which their pastor had received in sundry cities of the State where he had attempted to speak on behalf of the slave, and in favor of free speech under all circumstances.

--Mr. Kyser communicates to the Cahaba (Ala.) Gazette the fact, that while he was taking up a subscription to aid in uniforming the Richmond Grays, John, a slave belonging to a Mr. Coleman, promptly gave $10, remarking that he, 'being a slave, could not go himself, but that his money, his hogs, his cows, and his corn, were all at their disposal, when needed, without money and without price!'

--The President elect has reached Washington in safety.  Plots to assassinate him were discovered in time to frustrate the programme of the villains.  He passed through Baltimore at a time when he was not expected, and will be inaugurated on Monday next.

--In the year 1850, as appears by the census, the number of slaves that escaped from the South was 1,011.  Since 1850 it is believed that the number of negroes who have taken French leave has not been less than 1,500 per annum, and that the cotton States have suffered their full proportion of the stampede.

--The estate of the late Wm. McKenna, of Charleston, S. C., was recently sold at auction.  The real estate was sold, amounting to $34 300, and 177 negroes at an average of $772.  Among them were several small children and some elderly negroes, one of which was sold for $10.  It is believed that the whole estate will yield the gross amount of $220,000.

--'Die Union,' A German paper published at Galveston, has been suppressed, and all its property destroyed, for saying that Texas will never desert the Union, winding up its article with 'poor South Carolina.'  At last accounts the editor was keeping out of the way of the mob, for fear that they would hang him.
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It is well know that Syracuse has long been one of 'the principal depots of the Underground Railroad'  For many years past, fugitives from slavery, varying in number from thirty to nearly two hundred annually, have been sheltered here, and aided hence to Canada, or to places of safety on this side of the St. Lawrence.

Since the Fall of 1857, the management of this business has been devolved almost wholly upon the Rev. J. W. LOGUEN and his family, who have fulfilled the duties committed to them very acceptably.  They are willing still to keep their house open as an asylum for the oppressed, and to help them on their way to free homes.  In order to do this, he must depend upon the contributions of the benevolent in this city and elsewhere, for the support of his family and the aid of those who come to them in distress.  All fugitives, coming this way, should be directed to the care of Rev. J. W LOGUEN, and contributions or subscriptions of money, clothing or provisions, may be sent directly to him, or to such persons as he may designate.

Mr. LOGUEN agrees to keep exact accounts of all that he receives and of those whom he shelters and assists, and holds accounts in readiness for the inspection of any friends who will take the trouble to come and examine them.--He will also make semi-annual reports, and present his accounts for examination to gentlemen who have been appointed to audit them

We, the undersigned, citizens of Syracuse, have long known Mr. LOGUEN.  We believe him to be a very upright as well as enterprising man, every way qualified to fill the important station which he occupies, and we cordially commend him to the confidence of the benevolent everywhere.

We take this occasion to caution the public against one William Brown, sometimes called the Rev. Mr. Brown, sometimes Professor, and at other times Dr. Brown, who has been extensively about the country, claiming to be a friend of the fugitives.  We advise all those who wish to make donations for the promotion of this philanthropic enterprise, to make them to Mr. LOGUEN, and to refrain altogether from making them to Mr. Brown.


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[[3 column table]]
[[name, location]] | Amount. | Pays to
S B, North Elba | 1 00 | July, 1861
J H R. Newark | 1 00 | Aug, 1861
C A M, Chicago | 1 00 | "[[ditto for Aug, 1861]]
H S, Perch River | 1 00 | "[[ditto for Aug, 1861]]
G W T, Ironton | 50 | "[[ditto for Aug, 1861]]
B F M, Waterloo | 1 00 | "[[ditto for Aug, 1861]]
M F L, Corning | 1 00 | Sept., 1861
J H, Brockett's Bridge | 1 00 | Dec., 1861
Mrs E M, Ellisburgh | 1 00 | "[[ditto for Dec., 1861]]
R T, Marshall | 1 00 | "[[ditto for Dec., 1861]]
O B, Manilla | 1 00 | "[[ditto for Dec., 1861]]
J J, West Haven | 1 00 | "[[ditto for Dec., 1861]]
J G, Chicago | 2 00 | "[[ditto for Dec., 1861]]
T P, Lockport | 1 00 | "[[ditto for Dec., 1861]]
J M H, Exeter   | 1 00 | Jan, 1862
M A P, Lockport | 1 00 | "[[ditto for Jan, 1862]]
A B. Sparta | 1 00 | "[[ditto for Jan, 1862]]
D W, "[[ditto for Sparta]] | 1 00 | Feb., 1862
Miss A P, Athens | 1 00 | "[[ditto for Feb., 1862]]
R J, "[[ditto for Athens]] | 1 00 | "[[ditto for Feb., 1862]]
J N, Yonkers | 1 00 | "[[ditto for Feb., 1862]]
D S, Eugene | 1 00 | "[[ditto for Feb., 1862]]
Miss M W, Fonthill | 1 00 | "[[ditto for Feb., 1862]]
M H C, Dobbs' Ferry | 1 00 | "[[ditto for Feb., 1862]]
W D C, Sodus | 1 00 | "[[ditto for Feb., 1862]]
C D W, College Hill | 1 00 | March, 1862
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Single copies, to American subscribers, $1 per year.
" "[[ditto for Single copies]] to British "[[ditto for subscribers]] 5s. sterling.

Subscriptions must be paid for [[italics]] invariably in advance. [[/italics]]

All communications, whether on business or or publication, should be addressed to
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We take the liberty of using the names of the following gentlemen who will receive names and subscriptions for [[italics]] Douglass' Monthly [[/italics]] in Great Britain:

[[italics]] Halifax [[/italics]]--REV. RUSSELL LANT CARPENTER, Milton Place; Rev. Dr. CROFTS, North Parade.

[[italics]] London [[/italics]]--Mr. L. A CAMEROVZOW, Anti-Slavery Office, 27, New Broad Street, E. C.

[[italics]] Dublin [[italics]]--Mr. WM. WEBB, 52, High Street, and 8, Dunville Avenue, Rathmines.

[[italics]] Derby [[/italics]]--Dr. SPENCER T. HALL, Burton Road.

[[italics]] Glasgow [[/italics]]--Mr. JOHN SMITH, 173, Trongate.

[[italics]] Leeds [[/italics]]--Mr. ARTHUR HOLLAND, 4, Park Row.

[[italics]] Newcastle-on-Tyne [[/italics]]--Mr WALTER S. PRINGLE.
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