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grapple single-handed with the flintiest hardships of life, from tender youth to sturdy manhood, he grew strong in the manly and heroic qualities demanded by the great mission to which he was called by the votes of his countrymen.  The hard condition of his early life, which would have depressed and broken down weaker men, only gave greater life, vigor, and buoyancy to the heroic spirit of Abraham Lincoln.  He was ready for any kind and any quality of work.  What other young men dreaded in the shape of toil, he took hold of with the utmost cheerfulness.

A spade, a rake, a hoe,
A pick-axe, or a bill;
A hook to reap, a scythe to mow,
A flail, or what you will.

All day long he could split heavy rails in the woods, and half the night long he could study his English Grammar by the uncertain flare and glare of the light made by a pine-knot. He was at home on the land with his axe, with his maul, with gluts, and his wedges; and he was equally at home on water, with his oars, with his poles, with his planks, and with his boat-hooks.  And whether in his flat-boat on the Mississippi river, or at the fireside of his frontier cabin, he was a man of work.  A son of toil himself, he was linked in brotherly sympathy with the sons of toil in every loyal part of the Republic.  This very fact gave him tremendous power with the American people, and materially contributed not only to selecting him to the Presidency, but in sustaining his administration of the Government.

Upon his Inauguration as President of the United States, an office, even where assumed under the most favorable conditions, fitted to tax and strain the largest abilities, Abraham Lincoln was met by a tremendous crisis.  He was called upon not merely to administer the Government, but to decide, in the face of terrible odds, the fate of the Republic.

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A formidable rebellion rose in his path before him; the Union was already practically dissolved; his country was torn and rent asunder at the centre.  Hostile armies were already organized against the Republic, armed with the munitions of war which the Republic had provided for its own defence.  The tremendous question for him to decide was whether his country should survive the crisis and flourish, or be dismembered and perish.  His predecessor in office had already decided the question in favor of national dismemberment, by denying to it the right of self-defence and self-preservation--a right which belongs to the meanest insect.

Happily for the country, happily for you and for me, the judgment of James Buchanan, the patrician, was not the judgment of Abraham Lincoln, the plebeian.  he brought his strong common sense, sharpened in the school of adversity, to bear upon the question.  He did not hesitate, he did not doubt, he did not falter; but at once resolved that at whatever peril, at whatever cost, the union of the States should be preserved.  A patriot himself, his faith was strong and unwavering in the patriotism of his countrymen.  Timid men said before Mr. Lincoln's inauguration, that we had seen the last President of the United States.  A voice in influential quarters said "Let the Union slide."  Some said that a Union maintained by the sword was worthless.  Others said a rebellion of 8,000,000 cannot be suppressed; but in the midst of all this tumult and timidity, and against all this, Abraham Lincoln was clear in his duty, and had an oath in heaven.  He calmly and bravely heard the voice of doubt and fear all around him; but he had an oath in heaven, and there was not power enough on the earth to make this honest boatman, back-woodsman, and broad-handed splitter of rails evade or violate that sacred oath.  He had not been schooled in the ethics of slavery; his plain life had favored his love of truth.  He had not been taught that treason